Thursday, March 20, 2014

Welcome to #Aries world~~

Welcome to #Aries world. You will be judged on what you say, what you do and what you look like. Enjoy your stay!

#Capricorn likes #Aries because they are so good at working their way up and good at getting influence.

#Aquarius likes #Aries because they're entertaining and they are good conversationalist.

#Pisces likes #Aries because they aren't afraid to take the wheel plus their confidence attracts you.

An #Aries likes fellow #Aries because you just get each other and there is no bullshit.

#Taurus likes #Aries because they're honest and you don't have to be afraid if they secretly hate you.

#Gemini likes #Aries because they can keep up with your energy and they can be fun to debate with.

#Cancer likes #Aries because they just ooze confidence and the conversation never dies with them.

#Leo likes #Aries because they don't back down and you secretly admire the fact Aries isn't afraid to stand up to you, plus they work hard.

#Virgo likes #Aries because you never have to worry about initiating and they're courageous.

#Libra likes #Aries because they'll always stand up for you and they're just interesting.

#Scorpio likes #Aries because their passion equals up to yours and they aren't intimidated by you.

#Sagittarius likes #Aries because they get your independence and adventurous side.

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