Based on the hit comic book by Tomoko Ninomiya, this is a fun-filled quirky romantic story of two very opposite people.
Megumi Noda, or “Nodame” is a piano student at Momogaoka College of Music. An extremely talented pianist who wants to be a kindergarten teacher, she prefers playing by ear rather than reading the music score. She is messy and disorganized, takes baths several days apart and loves to eat, sometimes stealing her friend’s lunchbox when it is filled with delicacies.
Shinichi Chiaki, is Momogaoka’s top student. Born into a musical family, he is talented in piano and violin and has secret ambitions to become a conductor. An arrogant multi-lingual perfectionist who once lived abroad in the music capitals of the world as a young boy, he feels mired in Japan because of a childhood phobia.
They meet by accident. Nodame quickly falls in love, but it takes much longer for Chiaki to even begin to appreciate Nodame’s unusual qualities. Their relationship causes them both to develop and grow. Because of Nodame, Chiaki got the opportunity to lead a student orchestra and begins to have a broader appreciation of people’s musical abilities. Because of Chiaki, Nodame faces her fears and enters a piano competition. Opportunities open up as both begin taking risks, stretching themselves far more than they ever thought possible.
Nodame Cantabile Cast
* Ueno Juri as Noda Megumi aka Nodame (Piano)
o Morisako Ei as young Nodame
* Tamaki Hiroshi as Chiaki Shinichi (Piano/Violin/Conducting)
o Fujita Reo (藤田玲央) as young Chiaki
* Eita as Mine Ryutaro (Violin)
* Koide Keisuke as Okuyama Masumi (Timpani)
* Mizukawa Asami as Miki Kiyora (Violin)
* Saeko as Saku Sakura (Contrabass)
* Uehara Misa as Tagaya Saiko (Vocal)
* Takenaka Naoto as Franz Strezemann (Milch Holstein by Nodame)
* Akiyoshi Kumiko as Momodaira Minako
* Endo Yuya as Okochi Mamoru (Conducting)
* Iwasa Mayuko as Ishikawa Reina (Piano)
* Takase Yukina (高瀬友規奈) as Tanaka Makiko (Piano)
* Kondo Koen as Tamaki Keiji (Clarinet)
* Sakamoto Makoto as Hashimoto Yohei (Oboe)
* Matsuoka Rinako as Suzuki Moe (Flute)
* Matsuoka Emiko as Suzuki Kaoru (Clarinet)
* Yamanaka Takashi as Iwai Kazushi (Contrabass)
* Kobayashi Kinako as Kinjo Shizuka (Viola)
* Fukada Aki as Inoue Yuki (Cello)
* Kojima Tenten (小嶌天天) as Kanai Kento (Horn)
* Inoue Yoshiko as Suganuma Saya (Vocal)
* Ibu Masato as Mine Tatsumi
* Nishimura Masahiko as Tanioka Hajime
* Toyohara Kosuke as Eto Kozo
* Shiraishi Miho as Eto Kaori
Nodame Cantabile Details
# Title: のだめカンタービレ
# Title (romaji): Nodame Cantabile
# Genre: Romantic Comedy
# Episodes: 11
Video Format: Avi
Episodes :